Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pets in Computer Homes, Literally

People have gotten pretty creative with their old CRT monitors.... and their pets are reaping the benefits!  See all nine of these adorable computer pet homes!

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Octopus Ballet

Enjoy the Octopus Ballet, as they dance to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata....

Happy Bee

Three Cheers, for Spring pollen nectar!!
Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray!

Obi-Wan, the Irish Terrier

 You know, for a dog, this one really looks like Obi-Wan....
 The fur will be with you.... always :-)
 I wuv his widdle duckie.... but apparently it's Darth Quackers, his evil apprentice....
 Obi Wan Parker is an Irish Terrier from Missouri. He was born on March 3, and he has been successfully Jedi mind-tricking everyone he meets into petting him ever since. But his favorite thing to do would be fighting either his arch nemesis, Darth Squirrel the stuffed squirrel or his apprentice, Darth Quackers.

New Baby Gorilla in Atlanta

Kudzoo, a 17-year-old female western lowland gorilla at Zoo Atlanta, gave birth to an infant in the early morning hours of May 9, 2011. This is the second offspring for Mom Kudzoo and 21-year-old Dad Taz.
 Zoo Atlanta is home to the nation’s largest collection of gorillas, now with 24 individuals living in distinct social groups. The Zoo is a recognized center of excellence for the care and research of these critically endangered great apes. Since 1988, 19 gorillas have been born at Zoo Atlanta, 17 of whom still live on grounds!
 Mom Kudzoo captured the hearts of the city as the first born of a beloved Gorilla, Willie B., who passed away in 2000. Dwight Lawson, Zoo Atlanta’s Deputy Director stated,  “Kudzoo has already proven to be an excellent mother and she appears to be demonstrating those same maternal skills in the care of her newest arrival.”

Fur Ball, Corner Pocket

Danger Kitty naps where he pleases, no matter the risk or consequences...

Piggy Gets a Sandwich

Miss Prissy: The Pig with the Stolen Sandwich :-D

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A New Species of Tiger Ray

One of the most beautiful rays I've ever seen... and it's new to science!

An Amazon stingray known as the tiger ray has finally earned its scientific stripes: It's been officially recognized as a new species. For more than a decade, aquarium traders in the upper Amazon River Basin of Peru have caught the freshwater fish, whose name—Potamotrygon tigrina—is inspired by its orange-black coloration and banded tail.

"It's one of the prettiest species," said Marcelo de Carvalho, a
zoologist at the University of São Paulo in Brazil who led a new study on the tiger ray.

Owl Needs a Towel

It sure is getting warmer out there! Some animals, though, are not as excited about the consequences.....

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother to the Goats

The best thing about this video, is the expression on the dog's face.

The Greatest Shark

The greatest of the great white shark, found and released.

Talk about a big fish, an expedition crew has hauled up, and released, what the team says is the biggest great white shark yet caught. The 17.9-foot-long (5.5-meter-long) male behemoth was found off Mexico's Guadalupe Island.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Techno Chicken

It's Saturday night... are you ready to party with the Techno Chicken?

Maru's New Fashion

It's time for the latest and greatest video from everyone's favorite internet cat: Maru!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Box of Sloth

Anyone order Sloth in the Box?

Bird Brains

Apparently, birds who live in the city literally have bigger brains than birds who live the wild.... brings new credence to Aesop's fable "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse" story...

"Urban adapters" including tits, crows, nuthatches and wrens all come from families of related species that have large brains compared to their bodies.  Scientists suggest that larger brains make birds more adaptable to the changeable conditions of city living.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!  Enjoy the Mexican Hat Cat Dance :-)

The Smallest Deer

The smallest deer in the world just had a baby at the Belfast Zoo, making it the smallest of the smallest deer.... so they named it Pequeño.
 In early April the Belfast Zoo welcomed a Southern Pudu baby, the aptly named "Pequeño!"  The smallest member of the deer family, the Southern Pudu measures only 17 inches (43 centimeters) in adulthood. That's one tiny deer!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the Fourth be with You

Happy Star Wars Day! The Fourth will be with you...... always...

Panda Bear Knows What's Up...

...Now if he could only figure out what's making him so itchy...

The Red Kite

Wonderful news for a beautiful bird.
The RSPB is celebrating the "remarkable" comeback of the Red Kite, a bird which had almost become extinct in Britain.  For more than 400 years the bird of prey was killed as vermin and by the 1960s there were just 20 pairs.  Now, the organization's 2011 Big Garden Birdwatch survey recorded as many as 2,000 breeding pairs, an increase of over 130% since last year.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Bad Widdle Otter

I've been a bad widdle otter.... hopefully this cute face will help me help you to forgive and forget... and go get me feesh...

Bunny High Jumps

It's time for Bunny Agility! 

How high can your rabbit jump?

That rabbits like to hop is hardly a secret. But now European rabbit enthusiasts have harnessed their bunnies' natural talents to create a new spectator sport... rabbit showjumping. 

Invented in Sweden in the early Eighties, Kaninhop involves bunnies bouncing their way around courses consisting of several small jumps of varying height and length.