Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rare Camel Baby is Born

 At the Longleat Safari and Adventure Park, in the UK, a rare baby camel has been born... and I mean RARE. Bactrian camels are listed as critically endangered, with just 600 in China and 350 in Mongolia as of 2004. This birth is a huge success for camel supporters everywhere :-)
Little Lemmy is one of the newest Bactrian Camels to be born at Longleat Safari Park, to mum Bhali, 13, and dad Khan, nine. He was born weighing a hefty 65 lbs after a gestation period of 13 months, and is now busy exploring his large enclosure at the park. Now one month old, Lemmy is one of eight Bactrian Camels at the park - and is the first to be born at Longleat in two years.

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